Ecobot Has Launched an all New 'Hands On At Home Challenge' competition.
All-Earth Ecobot Hands-On at Home Challenge
Welcome to the All-Earth Ecobot Hands-On at Home Challenge!
With the changes we are all experiencing due to COVID-19, CASE for Kids, a division of Harris County Department of Education, is shifting focus to offer virtual programs for students while they are out of the school. The changes we have had to adapt to have presented educational challenges that impact families, teachers, and students in many ways. Students across the country are now are learning from home, which presents new challenges for teachers and families.
The All-Earth Ecobot Challenge planning team wants you to know that we are here for you during this time. Creating the opportunity for students to have fun and take part in engaging activities is more important now than ever before in our educational community.
We recognize the challenges teachers and families are facing, so we would like to offer you a valuable learning resource that teachers/parents may use to supplement their home learning plans. It will keep kids engaged in STEM, allow them to compete, and promote environmental/social awareness.
This learning opportunity is called the All-Earth Ecobot Hands-On at Home Challenge, and it may be used by parents, teachers and coaches. The challenge consists of weekly tasks that students may do at home independently or with family members. Points are earned by competing tasks. Teams with the most points will receive recognition during the live All-Earth Ecobot Hands-On at Home Awards Ceremony that will be held online on June 6, 2020.
We hope you enjoy this fun, competitive, and progressive challenge. Forward this challenge to others and form teams with friends and family members anywhere on Earth as this is the All-Earth Ecobot Hands-On at Home Challenge. To engage in the awesomeness, click the launch button below!